ganglion cell layer

美 [ˈɡæŋɡliən sel ler]英 [ˈɡæŋɡliən sel ˈleɪə(r)]
  • 网络神经节细胞层;节细胞层
ganglion cell layerganglion cell layer
  1. Cellular apoptosis gradually involves the inner nuclear layer and ganglion cell layer .


  2. The positive expression of TNF-a was detected in the nerve fiber layer , ganglion cell layer and inner plexiform layer . 3 .


  3. Distribution of the Cells in the Ganglion Cell Layer of Beijing Duck Retina


  4. The developing ganglion cell layer , inner plexiform layer and nerve fiber layer could be identified until 12-13 weeks .


  5. Till full term , the vessels in ganglion cell layer ( GCL ) was still budding .


  6. The total number of these cells was 1.9 × 10 6 cells and accounted for 32 % of total cells in the ganglion cell layer .


  7. Immunohistochemical analysis confirmed that the main integration Ang-1 / BMSCs diabetic rats transplanted retinal ganglion cell layer and internal granular layer .


  8. Immunohistochemical staining showed that HIF-1 α expressed mainly in the retinal ganglion cell layer in groups B and C , but not in group A.


  9. On postnatal 7th day , VEGF expressed in ganglion cell layer , outer plexiform layer and almost all the inner nuclear layer .


  10. In DM3 , in addition to partial cells of inner nuclear layer and ganglion cell layer , VEGF-positive reaction was seen in the retinal vessels .


  11. The EPOR was localized in the outer / inner segment of photoreceptor , outer nuclei layer , inner nuclei layer and ganglion cell layer .


  12. Results TGF - β 1 mRNA was expressed in cells of ganglion cell layer , but was not detected in RPE layer and choriocapillaris in normal adult mice .


  13. Results : At 12h 、 48h after RIR the expression of IL-1 β in the ganglion cell layer increased obviously , No expression was detected in the control group .


  14. In ganglion cell layer , ganglion cells in the nucleus can be seen depression , with the formation of false packet ring body . Golgi vesicle was expanded .


  15. VEGF was expressed in ganglion cell layer of retinal inner nuclear layer 、 retinal pigment epithelium and vascular endothelial cell of retina and choroid in normal BN rats .


  16. The S100-IR cells appeared in the nerve fibre layer ( NFL ), ganglion cell layer ( GCL ), and then progressively in the other layers .


  17. Results The positive staining of Fos protein was found in ganglion cell layer , inner nuclear layer and pigment epithelium , but not in outer nuclear layer 30 min after perfusion .


  18. Immunofluorescence staining showed that normal retina BACE-1 positive production was mainly distributed in ganglion cell layer , inner plexiform layer and outer plexiform layer without distinct cell body stained .


  19. The result showed that there were 2 different NOS positive cells in the retina . One was larger and more darkly stained in the ganglion cell layer , its diameter was 12-15 μ m.


  20. In the retina of RCS rats , GABA-like immunoreactivity was observed in the inner plexiform layer , few GABA-ergic amacrine cells and the ganglion cell layer .


  21. Results : In CON and DM groups , VEGF 's proteins were only expressed in the partial cells of the inner nuclear layer ( INL ) and ganglion cell layer ( GCL ) .


  22. Result Significantly increase expression of collagen ⅰ / ⅲ mRNA in the ganglion cell layer and nuclear layer were found in the region around lesions on Laser - injured day 1 - 3 and last at least 7 days .


  23. The number of nucleus layers , in the order of outer nuclear layer , inner nuclear layer and ganglion cell layer are 2 . 6 , 7 . 6 and 0 . 4 in B. bubo ;


  24. The density and size of the cells in the ganglion cell layer ( GCL ) were studied using Nissl-staining in the retina of Beijing duck ( posthatching day 30 , P30 ) .


  25. Objective To investigate the neurotoxic effect of N-methyl-D-aspartate on neurons of retinal ganglion cell layer in rat . Methods The right eyes of rats were given intravitreal injections with different dosage of N-methyl-D-aspartate ( NMDA ) .


  26. At least 5 layers of retina were recognized in the posterior retina , including the simple pigment epithelium , neuroblastic cell layer , developing inner plexiform layer , developing ganglion cell layer and the developing nerve fiber layer .


  27. RESULTS : Under light microscope , irregular nucleoplasm and unclear border of nucleus in the ganglion cell layer were found in the experimental groups of 2 h , 12 h and 24 h. These changes were also found in the inner nucleus layer .


  28. In four-month diabetic group , VEGF expression in choroid was positive ( 66.7 % ), and VEGF expression in inner limiting membrane , inner nuclear layer , outer nuclear layer and ganglion cell layer of retina was positive ( 77.8 % ) .


  29. Results Significantly increased expressions of bFGF mRNA were found in the ganglion cell layer and inner nuclear layer adjacent to lesion region by 1 3 days after laser photocoagulations . The expressions of collagen ⅰ / ⅲ mRNA increased at the same site with time .


  30. EGF immunostaining was not strong , but it was specific and distributed uniformly at the ganglion cell layer ( GCL ), inner nuclear layer ( INL ), outer nuclear layer ( ONL ), and retinal pigment epithelium layer ( RPE );
